99 years after the October Revolution, the argentinian director Lola Arias invites people between 8 and 84 to tell the stories of women at the intersection of the socialist idea. All of them bring together communist workers’ songs and lessons of others socialist countries, talk about surveillance in everyday life, punk concerts inside churches, discussions in theaters during the transition period, the burnt asylum centres in eastern Germany and the demands of refugees today. Their stories and subjective truths paint a picture of the personal in the political, of failure and reinvention.
Text and direction Lola Arias
With Matilda Florczk, Salomea Genin, Mai-Phuong Kollath, Ruth Reinecke, Tucké Royale, Jana Schlosser, Helena Simon, Monika Zimmering
Set Jo Schramm
Video Mikko Gaestel
Music Jens Friebe
Dramaturgie Aljoscha Begrich
Direction Assistants Isabella Sedlak, Anna Mariscal, Raissa Kankelfietz
Translation Kathrin Frank
Premiere 8th October of 2016 at GORKI THEATER
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